Alex Michaelides

Author Alex Michaelides was born in the year 1977 in Cyprus to an English mother and a Greek dad. Growing up in Cyprus was steeped in Greek mythology. Especially Euripides’s work, particularly “Alcestis”, which is a story that he has always carried with him, as he knew that someday he would use it.

He has always been haunted by the story. Alecestis’ self-sacrifice, coming back from death, and her following silence.

Alex tried to update the play, but that never really worked out. He tried working on the story, once as a short film, before he allowed it to sit untouched for fifteen years in his unconscious before he worked on “The Silent Patient”. Everything just came together for him one day. He was in Hampstead Heath, and he sat on a bench and wrote everything down on his phone, and “The Silent Patient” is unchanged from there on pretty much.

Books in order of publication:

Standalone Novels

The Silent Patient(2019)
The Maidens(2021)